Monday, July 16, 2007

Something to Pass the Time...

Hope you have fun learning a few phrases!

A wonderful site for learning Chinese is .

Hello Ni hao (knee how)
I am (name). Wo shi Suzanne. (Woh shee Suzanne.)
Goodbye Zai jian (zy jee an)
Good Morning! Zao shang hao (zow shong how)
Good evening! Wan shang hao (wan shong how)
Thank you xie xie (shyay shyay)
You're welcome Bu yong xie (Boo yong shyay)
See you later. Hui you jian (hway too jee an)
How are you!? Ni hoa ma? (Knee how mah)
I am fine. Wo ting hao de. (Woh ting how der)
I have a question. Qing wen. (Ching wun)
Please speak a little slower Qing shuo mian yi dian. (Ching shwo mee an yee dee an)
I am glad to know you. Wo hen gao xing ren shi ni. (Woh hun gow shing run shee knee.)
I'm Sorry. Dui bu qi (Dway boo tchee)
Excuse me Bu hao yi si. (Boo how yee see)
Congratulations! Gong xi ni (Gong shee nee)
Chinese currency Renminbi (run men bi)
Chinese dollar yuan (you wen)
China Zhong Guo (jong gwo)
America Mei Guo (May gwo)
Little sister Mei Mei (may may)