Anyway, on to the updates...Our oldest son, Justin, turned 21 on February 23rd (OMG!) and we can't believe it! He is really such a great young man - he continues to take classes and work and we still enjoy the fact that he lives at home:)
Brandon turned 17 on March 2nd, he is looking for a part time job, continues to do really well in school, and it sorting through options for after graduation. Again, another fine young man:)
Ryan is growing up so quickly, too! He is becoming more responsible every day and improving in school - we are so proud! He has a birthday in June, but it cannot come soon enough for him!
Colin is looking forward to baseball season getting under way - only another month or so (though you'd never know it with the weather we are having). He is doing well in school and taking on the 'big brother' role so well! He is also counting the days to his birthday which is in May.
Jadyn is growing so fast! She is now 20 months old, has 12 teeth and is saying so many words (some only we understand:-) Her hair is growing and she is really turning into a girly, girl! She is becoming a little more independent, but still has not moved to her own bed yet. We hope to begin that transition soon. She loves daycare and they are so good with her. She has begun potty training and goes on the potty at daycare about 50% of the time. She also goes on the potty at home about 50% of the time. We are amazed that she began showing signs for this at 17-18 months of age. Daycare had no issues with beginning the process and she enjoys being a big girl!
Last weekend we took the family to a water park in the Dells and they had a really good time - I'll post pictures for you to enjoy!
Give me a kiss!!!
Point me to the water park!
Something doesn't feel right???
My handsome Ryan!
Loving those Cheetos:)
Chillin' and playing Xbox 360
Wanting to give the bowling thing a try...
Justin having fun!
Brandon getting embarrassed:)
Jadyn waiting with Mom while the boys rode the track...
The go-kart track...
Justin and Colin having fun!
Ryan going zoom-zoom!
Daddy warming up his little girl:)
My little water bug:)
Water bug 2!
Are we done yet???