I guess I should explain why I have been away from the computer for awhile. I recently left my position as Sr. Human Resources Consultant with Agnesian HealthCare after almost 10 years because I accepted a position as Associate Director – Human Resources with Moraine Park Technical College.
The change has been good for me; I felt like I needed to take on some new challenges and my new position is certainly bringing those my way. Although I love my new role, the transition has been a little difficult for me because I have high expectations for myself especially when it comes to my work, and not really knowing “what to do” has been hard. Jerry has been very supportive and reassuring, as has my new work group. However, for the past 10 years I have been accustomed to coming into the office and getting down to business and now I have had to look to others for direction. It is a humbling experience to start something new.
When I think of where I am today compared to where I was the first week it is definitely an improvement and I continue to look forward to the day when it will be second nature to me just as my former position was, but hopefully not so much that it becomes too easy.
Well…enough about me and on to the update on Jadyn. China has surprised us once again and basically skipped the September batch of referrals. The last batch of referrals was sent around 8/24/09 and we were expecting to see another batch around 9/21/09, but they have now gone on a holiday break and will not send referrals until they return. They are expected back to the office around October 9th and referrals could come any time after that. The August referrals went through March 24, 2006 and there have been rumors that March 29, 2006 will be included in the next batch and there have also been rumors that they will finish March 2006 altogether. I would be thrilled if either of these rumors ends up to be true because March 29th is the date with the largest amount of people logged in for the month of March and if they get through that the 30th and 31st do not have many people logged in at all; the 1st and 2nd of April are weekend dates and they log in minimal people on the weekends so that would allow them to move to April 3rd and 4th (our LID) pretty quickly.
We will most likely be included in the November batch, but as I type this I almost cringe to put it in writing because just when we think we can plan with some consideration we are taken back by China’s next move. If we are in the November batch, we will travel in early to mid January. That will make for a chilly visit to the Great Wall, but at this point I will just be happy to finally get there and hold my daughter after nearly 5 long years in this process! On a positive note, we recently completed our third set of fingerprints for the adoption and we received notification that they are good through December 2010 so that should be the last time we have to do that wonderful process!
The boys have started the school year off well and are getting excited as things draw closer. We are getting the final touches on Jadyn’s room and on building Justin’s room downstairs. It is hard to believe that the holidays are coming in the next two months! I will be sure to post an update with the next batch of referrals – until then we hope all is well with you and yours…