Well, we were thrown one last curveball on Christmas Eve when it was announced that China matched dossiers with Log In Dates through April 3, 2006. As you know by now, our LID is April 4, 2006 so we missed this batch by one day –
CCAA Status
Reviewed through:
February 29, 2008
Placed through:
April 3, 2006That would have been one sweet Christmas gift, but after feeling a little disappointed we realized that it is all good since we know that we
will be included in the next batch – yeah!
The one question remains as to when that next batch will arrive – for that answer we searched the Rumor Queen site yet again…
If we were to look purely at numbers then the soonest we’d expect to see referrals would be Friday, January 22, the latest would be Thursday, February 18, and the most likely date would be Monday, February 1. And most months that’s all we need to do for the When post, look at raw numbers. But not this month, this month there is more to consider. We need to take CNY into consideration.
If the CCAA is going to mail a batch on or around February 12, then that could possibly mean we aren’t likely to see another batch until somewhere around that date. But by the time they arrived that would be a 48 day interval. Could they do two 24 day intervals? It’s possible, sure. Should we hope for it? I think we should keep the possibility of both scenarios in mind and not get too attached to either. I think our best window in this case is that the next batch will arrive either around Wednesday, January 20 or Monday, February 15. (Give or take a few days, obviously). Unless the CCAA is no longer going to be concerned about clearing their desks before Spring Festival. Which, with a new director, is possible. But Spring Festival is a really big deal, and one of the important traditions around Spring Festival is cleaning up, so you come back to a new start.