Jadyn has also taken two naps in her crib; both times she awoke disoriented, but I've been trying to reassure her by showing her that she is in her bedroom before I remove her from the crib and she seems so be understanding a little better each time. She really seems comfortable and likes playing with us and the toys in her room. Baby steps, right???
Today has been filled with a lot of play time - she has been in a very playful mood and has enjoyed rolling all over the place! She really likes to stand and often thinks she can do so without holding on to anything, but then soon realizes that isn't the case:) She is really enjoying the discovery of new sounds, toys, and her own abilities! She also experienced her first feel of grass today - it was so cute to watch her touch and experience the blades of grass and to touch and feel the different items outdoors! She really enjoyed just sitting in the grass and feeling everything around her.
It is hard to believe that she is almost 10 months old already - she has grown so much in the time we've had her - mostly just in her personality, but also in her abilities...it is truly amazing and we often stop and watch her in awe. What a blessing we have been given...
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