The weekend of June 26th, we celebrated Jadyn’s Baptism and Colin’s First Communion both at the same mass! Colin was supposed to have his First Communion while we were traveling in China to bring Jadyn home so we had to reschedule. The church was kind enough to let us do both in one special mass so it was all about the Sinjakovic’s at the 4pm service on Saturday:)
Jadyn looked absolutely beautiful in her traditional Chinese dress we bought for her – the white was so pretty! I was even able to get a small bow to stay in her hair! It was her first time in tights and she did pretty well with them. She also wore a pair of matching silk squeaky shoes that we bought in China so the outfit was complete! She didn’t even cry when the water was poured over her head, but she sure looked confused when Father came at her with the oil – she kept turning around; she had the parishioners laughing a bit.
Colin was so proud to wear a tie; he was such a handsome little man! He did so well with all of his statements of affirmation and he only made a small face at taking the wine:) He has grown up so fast in the past few years; it seems like he was just my little baby and now he has such charm and wit – I am always amazed at my children…they truly are blessings from God!
Just about all of our family was able to join us for these blessed events which made it even that much more special. My brother Steve, sister-in-law Carrie, and their two children, Zach and Cassie came down and it was their first time meeting Jadyn. They loved her to bits, and she of course, loved all of the attention! Jadyn even reached out to go to my brother several times and he hasn’t held a baby since his little guy was a baby – 10 years!
My Mom came and stayed overnight and Jerry’s Mom came for the service and dinner afterward with Jerry’s brother Dennis and his two children, Devin and Arianna. We missed you Christin! But certainly understand the situation with work all too well given Jerry’s schedule:) Same goes for Jerry’s other brother Tom – he was on-call for work so he could not attend.
My sister Kathy and brother-in-law Brent are Jadyn’s Godparents and their two sons Cody and Kyle were also there. We had a full house! We enjoyed each other’s company into the night as we also celebrated some upcoming birthdays in the family – it was one big celebration weekend!
Jadyn's Godparents - My sister, Kathy and brother-in-law, Brent -

This is a picture with my sister, brother-in-law, and their two boys, Cody and Kyle-

This is my brother-in-law, Dennis, and niece and nephew, Arianna and Devin -

Here we are with the Grandmas -

Here are most of the cousins -

Here is our family -