Jerry was insistent that she have a 'princess party' so we ordered a Princess Castle Cake and had princess balloons - he feels that she is his little princess:)
She received so many wonderful gifts from everyone and she really enjoyed playing with all of them. She loves to explore new things and she was about due for some new toys to keep her interest.
She really enjoyed her birthday cake - the bakery made a small, personal one just for her and she went to town with it! Her brothers helped to show her how to dig in - it was really cute! I wasn't quite sure how to maneuver her into the bathtub afterwards, but we kept the mess to a minimum:)
It is hard to believe just how fast she is growing up! She is taking about 10 steps at a time now...she started this on the 21st - my Dad's birthday! What a big girl! Enjoy the pics!
Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday!!!
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