Dear Friends and Family,
About two years ago I began to follow a story of a little 5-year old girl named Lydia Miyashita, a beautiful little girl adopted from China, who was diagnosed with AML (acute myeloid leukemia). Obviously, this touched me dearly as my Dad struggled with CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) and we had also been in the process to adopt Jadyn from China.
Unfortunately, Lydia lost her battle on February 24, 2009 and the post below is from the website that her Mom still keeps in her honor. Please read and take to heart. I also just found out last night of our neighbor's son, age 3, who was just diagnosed with leukemia and it breaks my heart. Children should not have to suffer through this terrible disease!
Today is September 1, which marks the beginning of CHILDHOOD CANCER AWARENESS MONTH! This month, won't you take a few minutes to raise awareness about the prevalence of Childhood Cancer and the dearth of funding available for research into its causes and effective treatments. There are so many ways to help in raising such awareness.
1. You can WEAR GOLD! Gold is the colour of pediatric cancer; just like pink is the colour for breast cancer. Let's paint towns across America and the World GOLD this month in honour of all the warriors, survivors and angels. Go to your LOCAL PANERA BREAD, and ask them to come up with a bagel for pediatric cancer awareness month, similar to the bagel Panera has for breast cancer awareness month.
3. Write a letter to your Congressman and Senator asking them to FUND research into the CAUSES and TREATMENTS for Childhood Cancer.
4. Ask your local grocery store to stock more organic, pesticide-free foods and shop locally whenever possible to support farmers who use sustainable and responsible agricultural practices. Check your local community's water and air quality by visiting the EPA website...if you notice excessive amounts of substances in the air or water, pursue it, question things, and demand answers. Participate in a walk, race or triathlon in support of cancer or leukemia/lymphoma research. Those of you who live in Akron, can participate with a number of different teams for the LIGHT THE NIGHT EVENT at Infocision Stadium on October 3, 2010 benefitting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. We are supporting two teams this year: Team Hannah and Team Madison Sage, both friends of Lydia's from the hospital. You can find out more about this event and these sweet girls, below. Contact your school, church youth group, place of work, girl scout or boy scout troop, local nursing homes, and ask them to participate in the Lydia's Hope Cranes for Cancer Project by folding origami cranes. We have had such a wonderful response from all the groups that have been involved with this project. Won't you consider helping us?
http://www.lydiascancerhope.com8. Use Facebook and other social networking sites you use to talk about issues pertaining to Childhood Cancer Awareness. Consider making your profile picture for the month a photo of a childhood cancer warrior, survivor, or angel. You can read about just a smattering of the children who have cancer and their struggles by visiting C.O.L.E.S Foundation website.
http://www.colesfoundation.com9. Ask your church, temple, synagogue, mosque or shrine to include childhood cancer warriors on their prayer lists and prayer chains.
10. DONATE to any number of worthy childhood cancer research networks. While I am not endorsing any particular charity, I will provide a link to some of the heavy hitters (below), and if you can't donate, VOLUNTEER to read a story, make a blanket or otherwise contribute to the efforts of local charities or children's hospitals.
http://www.curesearch.orghttp://www.leukemia-lymphoma.orgOf course you can always donate to or volunteer with Lydia's Hope : )
Last but not least, I would like to make a personal appeal, and ask each of you and your family members who read this website to please go to the link below for the Daily Record of Wooster. Wayne County Children's Services is trying to get funding for a project involving Lydia's Promise, whereby the visitation rooms and playground at Children's Services would be completely revamped in order to benefit all of Wayne County's foster children...from babies and toddlers to teenagers. You can read more about the project in the newspaper article below, and than you can vote : )
Vote here: about the story here:, MARK THE DATE!!! Next September, 3, 2011, Lydia's Hope will be hosting a Triathlon in Wayne County...if you are not an athlete (I know I am not!), there are many ways to participate, including helping with the organization of the event, or participating in a shorter version of a triathlon, known as a Supersprint. We will hope to see you all there!
Thanks for continuing to visit Lydia's website, for continuing to check in with us, and for your prayers. We truly appreciate it.
Here is the link to Lydia's website:, go spread some awareness : )