We attended the open house the night before so the younger two could drop off their school supplies and meet their teachers, organize their desks and enjoy some ice cream with friends. This always helps to get them a little more excited about the start of school.
Brandon was excited to be able to drive himself to school this year - he received his license just before school let out last year, but did not have his own car. Now, he has his own set of wheels and he is very proud of his car and the fact that he does not have to ride the bus anymore:)
Jadyn began daycare on September 3rd and boy was that a hard time for me! I am the drop off person and I had a hard time saying goodbye as tears were rolling down those little cheeks - even though I know she couldn't be in better hands.
Jerry took her to daycare the day before to let her play and explore and she did fine - loved it! Marcy (the owner of the center) told him to tell me that once I said goodbye, I needed to leave. She made sure that she was available and there to care for her all day because she knew that it might be a difficult transition for Jadyn. She took her from my arms and tried to interest her in a toy, but Jadyn still heard my voice explaining the last minute details to Marcy's daughter, so back to Mom she came. After one more kiss and hug and promise of Mom and Dad coming to get her, I said goodbye and cried all the way to the truck.
Marcy took her to get some toast and apparently Jadyn stopped crying in about 2 minutes. She ate well, played hard, did some crafts, slept for two hours in her sleeping bag and got to pick out her own backpack that Marcy bought for her! She had a great day! She was even able to show off her skills as they were teaching the children how to go up and down the stairs - Marcy said that she is the fastest one up:)
I'm glad that she had such a good day; unfortunately, she had to miss the next two scheduled days at daycare because she was ill over Labor Day weekend with a double ear infection, sinus infection and an infection in her eyes. She was one sick little girl, but the antibiotics seemed to be working by Thursday morning and we were back to getting kisses and seeing that signature smile we love so much!
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