Friday, December 31, 2010

A Blessed Christmas!

Well, it certainly has been a blessed year! We have so much to be thankful and grateful for - our family has been healthy, we both have maintained our employment in this economy, and certainly the fact that we added our daughter to the family this year! Time has gone so fast when we stop and think that we met her about 8 months ago. She has transitioned so well into the family that it really seems like she has been with us since birth:) Her language is flourishing and she is starting to show signs of potty training! I will have to talk to daycare after the holidays to see how they want to approach this with us. She continues to pull down her pants and tell us "potty" or "poo-poo" - which is amazing since she is only 17 months old. We did buy her a potty chair and she actually went potty in it already!

We are simply amazed every day! She has a way of saying each of the boy's names and it is so cute! She loves the boys and they love her! We love to see them all play and interact - Christmas was especially fun! All of the new toys to play with; the boys were so patient with her opening her gifts.

Unfortunately, we had to miss her first Christmas program due to the weather - it was snowing so bad. I still put her special Christmas dress on, a gift from the owners of the daycare, and tried to get a picture. I know that the little ones had been practicing for the program because when Christmas songs came on the radio, she would start swinging her arms and jabbering something - again so cute! We would have loved to have seen it played out.

Anyway, on to the pictures as I know that is what you are waiting for. We look forward to the new year and all of the joy and surprises it has in store for us!

All dressed up and no where to go (the night of her Christmas program):

Watching a Christmas special with a couple of her brothers:

She likes to get dressed for outdoor playtime:

Sporting her brother Colin's hat:

Some special pictures since we missed the Christmas cards yet again:)

Jadyn and Grandma:)

Christmas morning:)

Here she is playing a game with her brothers:

Sweet Colin:

Jadyn opening her big present from Mom and Dad (a play kitchen):

Ryan enjoying his present from Mom and Dad:

Brandon opening his big gift from Mom and Dad:

Justin protecting his Best Buy gift card (from Mom and Dad) - he wants a new car stereo:)

Enjoying one of her Christmas presents:

Getting ready to shop with Mom and Dad:

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