Wednesday, August 31, 2011

All Packed and Ready to Go:)

Well, the suitcases are packed, the tickets are in order and I think we are as ready as we will ever be.  We have everything set for the boys at home too:)  The three younger boys have their first day of school tomorrow so it will be a busy day in our house tomorrow morning!  I hope they get off to a good start to the school year given that we will not be here to see to their daily routine, but I know they are in good hands with their oldest brother and many other family who are going to be checking in on them:)

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people who helped us along the way, either with completion of paperwork, with thoughts, prayers, support and kind words and those who are helping while we are away!  While we are the people travelling to welcome these two beautiful children into our family - none of this could have happened without many of you!  Our sincerest thanks!!!

We plan to update the blog everyday of our travels; please keep our girls (all three) in your thoughts and prayers as Jadyn travels for the first time and our two other sweeties have a big transition ahead of them:)

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