Wow! Our little girl is already 11 months old – it is hard to believe because when we received her referral she was just 6 ½ months old! These past few months seem to have gone so fast compared to the months/years of the long wait for her. And then, when I think that we have been together for just two short months it just doesn’t seem right – it feels like we have known her all her life! We continue to love on her and allow her to explore and bond to us. She is doing so many cute things every day! Recently, she learned how to blow kisses with her hand – it is so cute!
Still no teeth…yes, you read correctly – 11 months old and still no teeth! I am shocked by this one. We probably check three times a day, but there isn’t any sign of a tooth popping through at all. We have a fear that six or eight will suddenly emerge and our little girl (and us) will be in agony! Her pediatrician wasn’t concerned at her 9-month check up so we will see what he says if she is still toothless at one year:)
She has been enjoying the summer with her brothers - Brandon, who is 16 is spending a lot of time with her and is helping her try to stand. There is a cute picture of that below. She can do so for about 30 seconds and has even thrown in a hand clap or a cute little dance! Ryan and Colin also love to spend time with her - they really get her laughing! She sure does love her brothers!
Her hair is getting a little longer! I’ll admit that I was quite surprised to see the shaven head when we first met; I had been told they often do this in orphanages, but since Jadyn was in foster care I didn’t give it a thought. We had also received pictures of her that were taken mid-February and she had hair so I just expected…well, I guess I don’t know what I expected. I thought she was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen when she came into the room so it really didn’t matter. I almost had a hard time imagining how hair would change her looks. I didn’t think she could get any cuter, but it turns out that she can:)