Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Fun Summer Weekend!

Wow, it has been a while since I posted; I guess we have been keeping busy! We are enjoying the last of the summer with the boys and having fun chasing our little girl all over the place! She is loving her new found freedom! She can really pick up speed now and it is so cute!

We spent a lot of time outside last weekend - it was quite warm and we had a lot of branches and leaves to pick up from a brief, but nasty storm that blew through late Friday evening. The guys also washed the vehicles and spent some time buffing their cars - they are both enjoying their new rides:)

Jadyn had fun watching her brothers and took part in playing with the bubbles and sprinkler. Only one week left before school starts and she heads into daycare. Please pray for a smooth transition for her!

Enjoy the pics!

The boys playing with the sprinkler -

Jadyn chillin' -

I love my Cheetos!

My happy girl -

Always exploring -

Don't touch my stuff -

Inquisitive little girl -

Happy to help rake -

So proud!

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