Monday, August 30, 2010

Squeezing the Most Out of Summer!

We have really tried to take advantage of the beautiful weather and have spent as much time as possible outside with the kids. Most of it has been spent at home, but it has been enjoyable, nonetheless. It is so hard to believe that the boys start school on Wednesday and Jadyn daycare on Friday - I really hope she will do well with the transition. As it is, she is attached to me from the time I get home until we go to bed as she misses me terribly during the day (and her Daddy too!) so I hope that she will not be negatively impacted with the change to daycare. Who knows, maybe it will be good for her and help with her sleeping situation???

Jerry will be taking her there on Wednesday and Thursday for an hour or two so she can slowly get adjusted while he is in the background and then Friday she will be there all day. I am the drop off person so of course I am probably freaking out a little more than I have to, but something tells me that she won't be letting me leave too easily.

Anyway, the boys are ready (willing is another story) for school and Tuesday is the open house when we get to drop off the supplies, meet their teachers, and have an ice cream social. Let's hope for another happy, successful year!

Here are some pics from the last week -

Ahhh...relaxation -

I want bubbles!

Come on Colin - blow!


I Can Catch Them!

I Want to Play Ball Too!

Let's Go Ridin'!

Mmmm...Mmmm, Good!


I Love My Puppies!

I Want to Brush the Puppy!

I'm Supposed to EAT it?

1 comment:

KJS said...

Jadyn has grown up so much since we met you all in Guangzhou. She is absolutely beautiful!